quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2013

Is it really all we need?

That feeling that is supposed to warm your heart and give you a sense of security and belonging, that word that sometimes is thrown out at the beat of a whim..is it really all we need?
It makes you smile, it keeps your heart warm, it allows you to dream and fly high and, some say, it is the greatest feeling in the world. However, sometimes, it is mean and hurtful and breaks your heart into a thousand different pieces, so small you think you will never mend it again!
What are we supposed to do when the ones we love, the ones that tell you "I love you", let you fall without thinking about what will happen once you are broken? When that happens, we all cry, even if it's just on the inside, we all shed tears. We struggle to stay afloat, when all what all our cells want is just to give up and sink, stay down there and forget the life we once thought was the most precious gift in the world.

In any other day, I would have words to cheer you up, to keep you going, I would tell you to fight, let go and move on. Not today, today I just want to sink, since the new scar is to new, to painful and to loud for me to ignore it. Today I just say, embrace the pain and stay there forever, give up and never look back. Because, some days, love is not all we need. Some days, we just need the peaceful calmness of the emptiness that lies beneath!

quinta-feira, 2 de maio de 2013

The girl with big dreams and small hopes

Her name is Sokma. I met her on a warm Cambodian afternoon, while visiting a Muslim school. While speaking with my tuk-tuk driver, after yet another tiring day visiting Angkor City, I told him I was looking for a place to volunteer in Cambodia. He told me his community's Muslim school was in need of English teachers and that if I was willing to, he would take me there on a visit, arrange a meeting with the headmaster and maybe, if I liked it, I could become a volunteer there. I decided it was a good idea, so I went with him.
Everyone was nice and kind to me, I talked to the headmaster, we agreed we were going to try to get some funding for my teaching placement and then we heard the call for prayer. He excused himself, said he had to go to the mosque and called 3 girls to keep me company.
They were all giggling and staring at me, they said "Hi" and sat next to me. One of them brought me some palm sugar water, the other was quite shy and the third one was really friendly and talkative. She asked me a lot of questions about me, my life, my friends and family, about my travels, about the reasons behind me leaving my home behind. I answered each question with delight. I started asking her questions about her own life, her hopes and dreams. She is from a small village in South Cambodia, but has been living in Siem Reap for a 4 years. Her family is still in the small village where she comes from, but she only sees them one or twice a year, as it's expensive to go there and the road is really bad. She told me how she studies finance and she teaches English at the school for the muslim community. She told me about Cambodian history, she knows a lot about world history and about all this places the she would like to visit. She wants to travel, to see the world, to meet different people, to discuss ideas and above all, to learn. She often thinks about being a tour guide, as she speaks 3 languages and loves interacting with people. I listen to her words, to her passion dripping from her tongue like sweet honey, I saw the sparkles in her eyes talking about the world outside her shell. I listen to her for hours, completely mesmerized not only by her outside beauty but also by her amazingly huge soul. And then I asked something to which I felt I already knew the answer: "Why don't you do that, go out into the world, get out and meet people?" She answered with the same smile that she had before, even though I knew she was saying those words with a  heavy heart: "I can't, I have to do what my family wants me to do. They want me to study finance, to make money and get a good husband. That's not what I want, but it doesn't matter, I want them to be happy and proud of me."
My heart started hurting, I wanted so much to help her, to bring her with me and tell her that it doesn't have to be like that, that she doesn't have to..but I only told her never to give up on her dreams.
I know she will never travel the world, become a tour guide and meet different people, she will become an accountant and a dutiful wife. I know that, and that is why it saddens me when people actually have the option to be free, but choose to live in a golden cage of dreamless desperation. Make your own opportunities to follow your dreams, create your own path, don't let others tell you what to do, listen to your heart, listen to your soul, step out of your shell and embrace the warmth of living your life, not the life someone told you to live.
Be alive. Be happy. Be free.

sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2013


"A vida vai torta, jamais se endireita"
Estas são as palavras que me vem à cabeça quando penso no Ricardo!
A maior parte dos meus amigos nasceu e cresceu num ambiente sem grandes problemas ou provações. No entanto, um desses amigos meus chama-se Ricardo. E este Ricardo não teve nunca a nossa sorte. Lembro-me dele desde que eu sou gente, a contar anedotas no quinteiro de casa da minha avó na Horta do Douro. Chegava mesmo a contar anedotas demasiado avançadas para a idade dele...acho que nem ele entendia o verdadeiro significado da maior parte das piadas que contava.
No entanto, quis o destino que a vida do Ricardo fosse tudo menos uma divertida. Aos 3 anos de idade foi-lhe diagnosticado um tumor cerebral, ao qual foi operado, mas que nunca pôde ser  removido completamente. E, enquanto eu ia crescendo normalmente, o Ricardo ia crescendo de forma diferente. Para mim, enquanto menina, não fazia grande diferença, era um outro menino, de olhos azuis e muito giro com quem eu sonhava casar um dia. Mas, à medida que o tempo ia passando, eu ia crescendo e o Ricardo ia ficando na mesma. Eu tive o meu primeiro beijo, o meu primeiro amor, o meu primeiro sonho...e ele...ele ia lutando contra algo que lhe ia roubando os movimentos e a autonomia. A certa altura, por circunstancias da vida, deixei de ir pensando nele, esqueci-me dele, a não ser quando nos encontrávamos ou quando os meus pais falavam dele. A minha vida foi passando, foi evoluindo,  com as alegrias e contratempos característicos de uma vida normal e eu fui existindo sem me lembrar desse meu amor de infância.
Depois chegou o facebook e com ele um novo contacto com o Ricardo. Falávamos de vez em quando, eu contava-lhe o que se passava comigo, ele contava-me o quanto sofria por estar preso a uma cadeira de rodas, sem grande autonomia. Eu tentava dar-lhe coragem para continuar, ele dizia que eu estava destinada a ser feliz porque tinha um coração enorme. Nunca pensei mesmo a sério nas entrelinhas do que ele me dizia. Na última conversa que tivemos, eu contei-lhe que me tinha despedido do emprego de há 8 anos e que tinha começado a viajar e a fazer voluntariado pela Ásia. Perguntei-lhe como é que ele estava, e, com o humor que sempre o assistiu ele respondeu "Parado...infelizmente". Sorri ao ler tais palavras e tentei dar-lhe força. As últimas palavras que recebi da sua parte foram: "o que estas a fazer é muito lindo. Deus vai-te recompensar mais tarde porque tu mereces." Entretanto fiquei sem rede e não lhe consegui responder ou continuar a conversa.
Isto aconteceu há cerca de 8 semanas..sei agora que há 6 semanas ele teve um AVC e está desde então em coma, sem prognósticos de melhoras...soube há 2 dias o que lhe tinha acontecido e desde então que não consigo parar de pensar nele.
Não sei porque é que foste tu e não eu a ter essa vida de sofrimento, não entendo porque a mim foram dadas todas as bênçãos e a ti te foi tirado o mundo. Não sei...gostava de conseguir fazer sentido disto, mas o que é certo é que nunca o saberemos. A vida é assim injusta!!! No meu entender, cabe-nos a nós, os que têm a sorte de crescer sem os teus contratempos, de honrar o enorme presente que nos é dado todos os dias, o presente de estarmos vivos, munidos de saúde e, principalmente, munidos de escolhas! A tua historia não cairá no esquecimento enquanto eu cá andar para a partilhar e prometo que farei tudo o que esta ao meu alcance para honrar o presente que a vida me deu a mim e te roubou a ti: o presente da liberdade de acção, da liberdade de escolha..da liberdade de ajudar quem é menos afortunado do que eu!
Beijinhos, Ricardo!!!

quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2013

Beyond the moment / Para la do momento

Today I found myself thinking about how important some people are to me. More than the people, what stays with me are the memories of the moments, the smiles, the tears, the understanding looks, the silences and, above all, the feelings I had in every one of those moments.
Today I found myself in my nest, thinking about those who, at some point, I thought I could never live without, but without whom, against my first certainty, I actually manage to survive.
Today I found myself thinking that some leave only a scratch, others a flesh wound, and then, there are those who make such a deep scar that they will never fade away.
Today I found myself thinking about all the people that are still left to meet, about the ones that will be nothing but a faint memory and those who will also, at some point, find their way into my soul  and scar it forever.
Today I found myself thinking that it is so easy to take people for granted, see them as a constant presence in our lives...and I found myself thinking how difficult it can be to live while being aware that it all might end the next second.
Today I found myself curled into my own self, in my little corner of the world, thinking about how everything changes, passes and the sooner we accept this, the happier we will live. It doesn't really matter how tight and close we want to keep all the "others" in our life, because we will all leave at some point. What matters is how you appreciate each moment spent with them and how you cherish the memories and feelings that they give you.
Now I look at myself and realize that all these words are nothing but a big cliche, that add nothing to the truth of life, but I felt a huge urge to shout out loud the weight that some people had in my existence.

To all those I already hugged in a deeply heartfelt way, those hugs that we give with the whole body, those hugs that seem to last forever and that sometimes even hurt a little, to all of you I send these words. Know that if we ever hugged that way it's because you're among those I will never forget and will always carry with me, wherever I may be. Thank you for sharing the smiles, the tears, the laughter, the pouts, the melodies, the flavours, the peacefulness, the storms...thank you for making this journey a little more bearable.

To you I send all my love!


Hoje dei por mim a pensar na importância que certas pessoas  t^em para mim. Mais do que as pessoas em si, ficam-me as memorias dos momentos, os risos, as lágrimas, os olhares cúmplices  os silêncios e acima de tudo, os sentimentos associados a cada uma dessas situações.
Hoje dei por mim no meu canto a pensar naqueles se os quais cheguei a pensar não poder viver, mas sem os quais, e contra a inicial certeza, acabei por sobreviver.
Hoje dei por mim a pensar que há aqueles que deixaram um arranhão  há os que fizeram apenas um corte superficial, mas há também os que deixaram para sempre uma cicatriz indisfarçável. Todos eles tiveram o seu peso, mas os últimos são os que trarei comigo enquanto eu for eu.
Hoje dei por mim a pensar naqueles que ainda falta conhecer, naqueles que não passarão de vagas memorias e naqueles que um dia também arranjarão um espaço na minha essência para deixar por la uma cicatriz. 
Hoje dei comigo a pensar em como 'e tão fácil tomarmos as pessoas como garantidas, encara-las como uma presença constante...e dei comigo a pensar como 'e to difícil viver tendo a noção de que tudo pode acabar no momento seguinte.
Hoje dei comigo aninhada no meu ninho a pensar que tudo passa e não importa o quanto queremos manter presos esses outros "eus", todos nos acabamos por desaparecer. Por isso, mais do que a presença  trago comigo as suas lembranças.
Agora olho para mim e constato que isto não passa de um conjunto de clichés que provavelmente nada acrescenta 'a verdade da vida, mas senti uma vontade enorme de gritar ao mundo o quanto certas pessoas pesam na minha existência.
A todos aqueles aqueles a quem já dei um abraço a serio daqueles mesmo sentidos que se da com o corpo todo (como diz o meu amigo João Pedro), daqueles que parece que não acabam nunca e que chegam a magoar, a todos esses deixo aqui as minhas palavras para que saibam que, se vos dei esse abraço 'e porque são dos que nunca esquecerei e trarei sempre comigo, independentemente do canto onde me encontrar.
Obrigada por partilharem os sorrisos, as lágrimas  as gargalhadas, os amuos, as melodias, os sabores...obrigada por tornarem esta viagem um pouco mais suportável!

Com todo o meu amor e carinho!

sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2013

Not to grow up

I was never a well behaved little girl, I was never the perfect child who did everything right and wore little dresses and had proper lady manners. I always wanted to walk bare foot when everyone else was wearing shoes, I was the one sitting on the floor when everyone else was sitting on chairs, I would run when I was supposed to walk, laugh when I was supposed to be quiet. Somewhere along the way I tamed that non-conventional spirit, put it inside a golden cage, hoping that time would just shape it into some law-abiding-society's-rules follower. In the process I forgot who I was and had to face a lot of pain as a consequence. I started trying to please everyone, started caring about what everyone thought was best for me and started following everyone's opinions on how my life should be. Inevitably, it led me to a life of inner desperation, hidden by a smiling mask.
One day the pain, the emptiness, the hole inside me was just too big...I had finally had enough, I needed to get out of that golden cage.
I decided to set myself free from "you are supposed to do that" life and started living the "I am different" life. I am finally happy for the first time since I was 13, I finally don't need the approval of anyone to do whatever I want and need. I am, at last, free, wholesome and my smile is not fake any more.
So, stick your tongue out, jump, run when you feel like it, stand still if you want to, laugh, cry or scream. Listen to that little child that you used to be, because that child is the only one who can break you free from suffering into a new life!

Eu nunca fui uma menina bem comportada, nunca fui a crianca perfeita, que faz tudo direitinho, nunca parte um prato, usa vestidos muito lindos e tem maneiras de senhora. Eu queria andar descalca quando era suposto usar sapatos, era a que se sentava no chao quando toda a gente estava sentada em cadeiras, era a que corria quando era suposto andar e era a que ria quando era suposto estar em silencio. Algures no meu caminho acabei por domesticar esse espirito rebelde e prende-lo dentro de uma gaiola dourada, na esperanca que o tempo o transformasse em algo que soubesse seguir as regras. Neste caminho, esqueci quem era e como consequencia criou-se uma dor imensa em mim. Comecei a tentar agradar a toda a gente, comecei a dar demasiada importancia ao que os outros pensavam sobre mim e comecei a seguir o que os outros achavam ser o melhor caminho para a minha vida.

domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

Doug's smile

It should have been a normal Monday, another beginning of a normal week here at New Life. Instead, with a very heavy heart we received the saddest of news: a former New Life resident, Douglas, had passed away, his mum had just informed us. A wave of grief took over our hearts and minds as we tried to cope with his death. Doug, Mohawk Doug as we used to call him around here, always had a smile on his face, a kind word to everyone and interesting stories to share. I will always remember you walking around with your headphones on, drinking from your fancy tea bottle, playing frisbee by the pool or table tennis in the dinning hall and greeting everyone in sight. I will never forget your contagious laughter or the excitement on your face when you were helping me prepare the chestnuts for my birthday dinner. You were happy and loved at New Life and will be greatly missed by those with whom he created strong bonds of friendship.
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends and I hope that wherever Doug is now, that he has found some peace. 

Deveria ser uma normal 2a feira, o comeco de uma nova semana ne New Life. Em vez disso, com um grande pesar no peito recebemos uma das piores noticias possiveis: um ex-residente da New Life tinha falecido, tinhamos acabdo de ser informados pela sua mae. Uma onda de tristeza tomou-nos de assalto a medida que todos tentavamos lidar com o sucedido. Doug, o Doug da Crista como era conhecido por estes lados, tinha sempre um sorriso na face, uma palavra amiga para os que precisavam e historias e aventuras interessantes para partilhar. Recordar-te-ei sempre a andares para todo o lado com os headphones na cabeca, a beberes da tua garrafa de cha toda catita, a jogar frisbee na piscina, a jogar ping-pong comigo, a sorrir e a dizer ola a todos os que contigo se cruzavam e acima de tudo, sempre a sorrir. Nunca esquecerei as tuas gargalhadas contagiantes nem a alegria com que me ajudaste a preparar as castanhas para o meu jantar de aniversario.
Na New Life Foundation foste feliz e eras amado por todos. Todos aqueles com os quais criaste fortes lacos de amizade sentirao profundamente a tua falta.
O meu coracao, os meus pensamentos e as minhas preces estao hoje com a tua familia e amigos e desejo que onde quer que estejas, Doug, que tenhas encontrado paz!

The lost blue eyed boy

When he comes into the room, he lights it up with his smile and his eyes hide the innocence of a child. Nice and frightened: a lost boy! One more in New Life, in this protected world where we all find someone to understand us. Confused... What comes after this? No one knows, the uncertainty of the future is constant in life.
He walks around smiling, showing his happy mask to everyone. However his eyes don't lie and when they become red with the sound of a song they show the huge soul that he has inside, tired of so many years suffering in hiding, putting on the play of happiness while waiting from applauses from the audience. That play has hurt him, has brought him all the pain that he now carries in him.
But change happens every single second and he now realises that it's time to alter things, let go of the mask, end the fake play of life, let all the pain out until the only thing that is left is his pure self, his true core, his clean soul.
Deeply unaware of the beautiful self he has within him, he hides behind the guitar while singing what his heart feels. In that moment, the guitar is a shield and he shows himself for what he truly is. Observant eyes that watch him from afar can witness the great sensibility that is in him, when the music takes over him, his eyes sparkle, he's not afraid. His being reflects the image of a sad past hoping for a happy future.
Lost boy, breath, take a really deep breath and let go of it all. Believe me, you are already found, you're no longer lost. You have a lot to give to those that cross your path, cherish that. Cry, smile, sing, dance, run, sleep, talk, breath and above all live. Lost boy you will find yourself!!