domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

Doug's smile

It should have been a normal Monday, another beginning of a normal week here at New Life. Instead, with a very heavy heart we received the saddest of news: a former New Life resident, Douglas, had passed away, his mum had just informed us. A wave of grief took over our hearts and minds as we tried to cope with his death. Doug, Mohawk Doug as we used to call him around here, always had a smile on his face, a kind word to everyone and interesting stories to share. I will always remember you walking around with your headphones on, drinking from your fancy tea bottle, playing frisbee by the pool or table tennis in the dinning hall and greeting everyone in sight. I will never forget your contagious laughter or the excitement on your face when you were helping me prepare the chestnuts for my birthday dinner. You were happy and loved at New Life and will be greatly missed by those with whom he created strong bonds of friendship.
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends and I hope that wherever Doug is now, that he has found some peace. 

Deveria ser uma normal 2a feira, o comeco de uma nova semana ne New Life. Em vez disso, com um grande pesar no peito recebemos uma das piores noticias possiveis: um ex-residente da New Life tinha falecido, tinhamos acabdo de ser informados pela sua mae. Uma onda de tristeza tomou-nos de assalto a medida que todos tentavamos lidar com o sucedido. Doug, o Doug da Crista como era conhecido por estes lados, tinha sempre um sorriso na face, uma palavra amiga para os que precisavam e historias e aventuras interessantes para partilhar. Recordar-te-ei sempre a andares para todo o lado com os headphones na cabeca, a beberes da tua garrafa de cha toda catita, a jogar frisbee na piscina, a jogar ping-pong comigo, a sorrir e a dizer ola a todos os que contigo se cruzavam e acima de tudo, sempre a sorrir. Nunca esquecerei as tuas gargalhadas contagiantes nem a alegria com que me ajudaste a preparar as castanhas para o meu jantar de aniversario.
Na New Life Foundation foste feliz e eras amado por todos. Todos aqueles com os quais criaste fortes lacos de amizade sentirao profundamente a tua falta.
O meu coracao, os meus pensamentos e as minhas preces estao hoje com a tua familia e amigos e desejo que onde quer que estejas, Doug, que tenhas encontrado paz!

The lost blue eyed boy

When he comes into the room, he lights it up with his smile and his eyes hide the innocence of a child. Nice and frightened: a lost boy! One more in New Life, in this protected world where we all find someone to understand us. Confused... What comes after this? No one knows, the uncertainty of the future is constant in life.
He walks around smiling, showing his happy mask to everyone. However his eyes don't lie and when they become red with the sound of a song they show the huge soul that he has inside, tired of so many years suffering in hiding, putting on the play of happiness while waiting from applauses from the audience. That play has hurt him, has brought him all the pain that he now carries in him.
But change happens every single second and he now realises that it's time to alter things, let go of the mask, end the fake play of life, let all the pain out until the only thing that is left is his pure self, his true core, his clean soul.
Deeply unaware of the beautiful self he has within him, he hides behind the guitar while singing what his heart feels. In that moment, the guitar is a shield and he shows himself for what he truly is. Observant eyes that watch him from afar can witness the great sensibility that is in him, when the music takes over him, his eyes sparkle, he's not afraid. His being reflects the image of a sad past hoping for a happy future.
Lost boy, breath, take a really deep breath and let go of it all. Believe me, you are already found, you're no longer lost. You have a lot to give to those that cross your path, cherish that. Cry, smile, sing, dance, run, sleep, talk, breath and above all live. Lost boy you will find yourself!!