quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2012



Um dia parou, olhou 'a sua volta e surpreendeu-se. Tudo muda, o tempo altera-se, as pessoas sao outras e o cenario 'e diferente. Seria de esperar tambem alguma mudanca em si. A inconstancia da materia deveria refletir-se tambem na sua alma...mas entao, porque se sentia igual, a mesma pessoa que partira de outro porto, o mesmo ser que sofria e fazia sofrer? Almejava transformar o seu nucleo, polindo-o, dando-lhe brilho e outra cor...mas a inconstancia de tudo o resto nao existia ali, imperava na sua pessoa a eterna constancia de si mesmo.

escrito em 26 de Outubro de 2012


One day he stopped, looked around and was surprised. Everything was transformed, time had altered itself, other people were around him, the scenery was different. He was also expecting some kind of change inside him. The changeability of matter should reflect upon his soul as well...but then, why did he feel the same, the same person that had left other ports, the same being that suffered and made others suffer? He desired to transform his core, polish it, make it shimmer, sparkle and full of colour...but the changeable surroundings didn't exist inside him, the only ruling force was his eternal unchangeable self.

written on the 26th of October, 2012

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